Welcome to our Chinese restaurants

Peking Haus Mölln and Peking Haus Oststeinbek!


We offer you a variety of Chinese and Asian dishes, freshly made by our master chefs from China.

It is our aim to give you a taste of Chinese culture and cuisine. 



We accept all credit cards (Visa, Mastercard or American Express) and EC!





We have a limited amount of parking spaces.

- Oststeinbek: Please use the designated parking facilities in the back of the building.

- Mölln: Please use the parking facilities in front of the building.

China Restaurant Peking Haus Mölln

Grambeker Weg 1

23879 Mölln

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China Restaurant Peking Haus Oststeinbek

Möllner Landstraße 75

22113 Oststeinbek

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As both of our restaurants are located in the city centre, you can also use the following bus and train lines:

- Mölln: By bus via "Grambeker Weg" with the lines 8512, 8514, 8515, 8735, 8751, 8753, 8754, 

             8761, 8762 and 8810 or by train (station name: "Mölln Bahnhof").

              - Oststeinbek: By bus via "Oststeinbek, Stormarnstraße" with the lines 133, 233, 333, 619 and 733.




Our restaurants are partly accessible with wheelchairs.

- Mölln: Our restaurant is located in the second floor, accessible by elevator.

- Oststeinbek: Our restaurant is located in the first floor. Toilets are in the basement and

                                       cannot be accessed with wheelchair.




We don't offer a delivery service.

You can order your favoured dishes and pick them up at our restaurants.

Our telephone numbers:

Mölln: +49 4542 6661

Oststeinbek: +49 40 7132826




Our opening hours:


Monday - Saturday

11:30 AM - 3:00 PM and 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM


Sunday and Holidays

11:30 AM - 10:00 PM


Oststeinbek: closed for Tuesdays




We are looking forward to your visit!